Ps 1:3

"He is like a tree planted by streams of water,which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers."

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Purpose of the forbidden tree/fruit in Genesis

The Garden of Eden was paradise for Adam and Eve, but it almost seemed cruel for God to have placed a forbidden tree in that garden. The serpent obviously tempted Eve by manipulating the words of God and causing her to question God's command.
Typically people sin because they question God's commands or because they try to justify sin, like how Eve began to believe the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil would "open her eyes" and God was just trying to hold this back from them.
Life is full of choices and temptation. God is a good God who ultimately wants His children to prosper and live a full and joyful life. Although God wants us to obey, He also gives us the freedom to choose between obedience and disobedience-- there are rewards for obedience and consequences for sin. God's commands are for our own good and we need to have faith in that fact. Sometimes trusting God means obeying him without knowing the details of "why." This is where we apply Pro3:5 and need to trust in God's wisdom and love, instead of our own limited understanding.
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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Long time no share

Well well well... it has been a long time since I've posted, to say the least. So much has happened in my life, and that is a major understatement. I would have to write a novel to fully document everything, but to give a succinct overview: I got married, pregnant, husband was deployed for 6 months, he came back, we got out of the military, moved to my home in Texas, and now we are going to school and raising our son. Phew! It was tough spitting all that out, but now imagine living it all in less than one year! Was it all a fairy tale and fun... no! But I can still praise God for blessing me with the grace to go through it and find joy in it all. I look back now and am so incredibly thankful for the supportive and comforting people that were in my life at the right time.

To God be the glory.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Life versus even more life!-- can't lose in Christ :) (ref. Phil 1:21-22 MSG)

Philippians 1-- all about joy in ALL things; the love of God is infectious and contagious!
V22-26 reminded of when I "died." I was asked if I was ready to go to heaven, I said "yes! Take me Lord" but then as I was ascending He said I was being selfish, not thinking of how others would react or be affected and not thinking about how much work I need to accomplish here in this world. Paul says we must see that there is power in leaving this earth and being with Christ. However, we must also see our life here on earth as opportunity to spread the gospel and a chance to do good work as laborers for Christ!
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Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Yesterday I was really wrestling with my flesh and mind. I had so much on my mind and began to worry and it began to stir up anger within me. My body began to ache and I started to get a headache. I kept wavering from God's Word and then to my anger again. I was becoming so exhausted that I was too tired to care... too tired to cry... and too tired to even vent. It was definitely a battle but I knew to look to God for help, because I was obviously going to fail if I only relied on myself. Today I felt peace but again those ill feelings kept trying to rise up again. I did my daily reading according to a reading plan and today's Psalm seemed absolutely appropriate for me: "Listen God! Please, pay attention! Can you makes sense of these ramblings, my groans and cries? King-God, I need your help. Every morning you'll hear me at it again. Every morning I lay out the pieces of my life on your altar and watch for fire to descend" (Ps5:1-3 MSG). The beginning was exactly was going through my mind. I had so many thoughts trying to consume me and was only getting confused and frustrated with them. I wanted to just give it to God for Him to handle it. And then after I read the chapter in Psalms I was directed to pray and worship the Lord. I started out sincerely apologizing and asking forgiveness for allowing my carnal emotions and thoughts take control of me. Then I began to worship. The Spirit quickly led me to pray that my words and worship would be fragrant, not stinky with my emotions and previous thoughts. Then the Lord directed me to get on the ground face down and lay still before Him. It was an amazing time with God-- much needed time to get myself together again and believe the Lord is in control. I was brought back to remember that I am only human but I have a big God who is much bigger than my problems. He knows we were created from dust, and are vulnerable to temptation, and human emotions. However, all he asks is that we rely on Him to get us through our moments of weakness. My God is beautiful and I stand in awe of His Word.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Where are they now?

I was on Facebook checking up on old friends and classmates. It is crazy how many different directions everyone has gone. Most of my friends from high school have their degree and are heading to med school. Some of them have gotten married and started extending their families. Some are happily single and traveling. There are a few that look like they haven't gone anywhere... just bums pretty much. I was looking at pictures and I almost envied those that are traveling and living their life to the fullest. I look at my life and try not to compare. Everyone has their own route they take. There is no one plan that fits all. Not everyone will graduate high school, go to college, get their degree, get married, and have babies, all in that order. I, for example, graduated high school, immediately went to community college, took advantage of a trip to Australia, and then instead of continuing school I suddenly found myself in the military. Here I am now, in the military, taking some online classes, and happy with my boyfriend. I am content for the most part, but I of course wouldn't mind doing some traveling and being proactive in creating memories. I don't know God's plan for me, but I am just going with the flow. A few years ago I would have never expected myself in the military or in South Dakota. Who knows where God will lead me next? Proverbs 16:9 pretty much says that man may have a bunch of plans in his heart, but ultimately, God determines his steps. I know I can't envy everyone else because that was God's plan for them, which may be a completely path than what God has in store for me.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Taste the goodness of God... YUM! =)

It seems that as I continue to put God first everything seems to fall into place effortlessly. I've been given the grace to control my temper and my emotions, my room stays clean and I've kept up with my chores, work is going smoothly and in my favor, I've kept up and am excelling with school work, and the relationships I have with people are healthy and strong. God is good and His way works! I am experiencing how giving things up to Him is the less stressful way to deal with things. When I give Him my time He miraculously multiplies it back so that I can still accomplish things on a timely basis and without pressure or stress. I've strayed away many times before and always seem to return to the Lord in due time. I've tasted the goodness of God and NOTHING else compares or even comes close to all the benefits of walking His way. Yes, there may be some sacrifices that need to be made to be obedient to Him, but ultimately, it is worth it and He never fails to replace those sins and wrongdoings with much better things. Praise God for all that He IS and all that He does :) Praise God that He is not like a man that He should lie; He fulfills His promises (Num23:19 NIV). Praise God!!

I need to explain why I'm thankful?

So today I was cleaning at work and one of my friends asked me about a recent post I had on Facebook. It was interesting because the status post was Psalm 138:8 (MSG) which says, "Thank you! Everything in me says "Thank you!" Angels listen as I sing my thanks. I kneel in worship facing your holy temple and say it again: "Thank you!" Thank you for your love, thank you for your faithfulness; Most holy is your name, most holy is your Word. The moment I called out, you stepped in; you made my life... large with strength." I posted a verse about being very thankful to the Lord and my friend asked why I did that. He wasn't really asking "why" I posted that but really what happened for me to post something about being so thankful. He told me that he assumed I either got married or became pregnant. I told him I posted it because I've been reading the Bible more often and because of that I've been able to be thankful about all the little (and big) things in life. Him questioning my post showed me how people take things for granted and only seem to be "super thankful" when something major or significant happens. Reading the Bible puts unexplainable joy and peace within me, therefore I can easily and quickly say "thank You" for what others may see as insignificant. When my friend asked why I was thankful I found myself quick to be honest and tell him its been because I've been reading the Bible. Fortunately, he was able to accept that and it looked like he tried to understand where I was coming from. I saw his question as an opportunity to share the effects of reading God's Word. So even in that, I thank You Lord! :)